Friday, February 25, 2011


Ok, so today was really bad w/ the weather.  We got SLAMMED w/ snow last night, but my AMAZING post office guy still made it out...annnnnnddd...I got goodies today!  LOTS of them!  I am going to post pictures but let me tell you what all I got! 

First, my order from Ebay w/ my crackles came in that my AWESOME/PERFECT/LOVES ME A TON husband ordered for me (Hi honeybear xoxo)!  I got the six pack so I got Lightening Bolt, Black Mesh, Broken Hearted, Cracked Concrete, Crushed Candy and Fault Line. 

I think I'm gonna like Broken Hearted and Cracked Concrete the best out of them.  I'm hoping Fault Line doesn't suck too bad, I've read some reviews that it doesn't crack like the others...

Now, on to the BEST thing I've gotten in the mail in a long time!  I did a international swap and got some AWESOME stuff!  I got SEVEN bottles of polish and 3 stamping plates!  The plates were Essence and the polish was a variety.  I got 3 GOSH bottles, Holographic (a HUGE lemming of mine), Gasoline and Miss Mole.  I got Essence Glisten Up, super cute.  I also got Catrice Just Married.  She was so super nice she included 2 extra Essence bottles because it took her a little longer to ship (which was NO biggie), so I got Buddy Bear and Love This City from the LE Berlin collection!  Whew! 

So, in all today I got 13 bottles of polish and 3 plates!  I have NO room in my container anymore!  I have a double decker Rubbermaid-ish container, and the bottom is now full so I will definately be trying to find somehow to move my "supplies" to another box/container/holder, so I can put more polish in the top. 

Here is a picture of all my goodies from today.  I'm updating this while hubby updates my color wheels that we did lol.  Ya, like I said, he's a awesome hubby to help w/ my "habit" lol. 

Today I am wearing Orly Sapphire Silk w/ a coat of Zoya South Beach Ice...really pretty combo.  Too bad I got so many goodies and the Sapphire Silk will be off here in a few hours lol.

That's it for now and I'll post more after I try my goodies!


  1. it was ebay actually, not amazon. i got them for cheaper on ebay by actively bidding on a ending soon auction

  2. I'm glad you're happy! Enjoy your polishes and thanks again for the swap! :)

  3. Babe, ya I updated it on here to say Ebay...I forgotted :) xoxo

  4. Christina-

    Thank you again for the lovely swap :)
